
Showing posts from February, 2015

OSGI and Eclipse Version

2004 Eclipse 3.0 -> OSGi 4.0 early draft 2005 Eclipse 3.1 -> OSGi 4.0 draft 2006 Eclipse 3.2 Callisto -> OSGi 4.0 2007 Eclipse 3.3 Europa -> OSGi 4.1 2008 Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede -> OSGi 4.1 2009 Eclipse 3.5 Galileo -> OSGi 4.2 2010 Eclipse 3.6 Helios -> OSGi 4.2 2011 Eclipse 4.1/3.7 Indigo -> OSGi 4.3 2012 Eclipse 4.2/3.8 Juno -> OSGi 5 2013 Eclipse 4.3/3.9 Kepler -> OSGi 5     The Bundle-ManifestVersion is not mandatory. If it is missing then defaults version 1. OSGi R4 introduced Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 , and so in practice,  almost all bundles have this entry.

Cloud Computing

What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing is a way of delivering services over network. It is a ubiquitous IT services over the network. What are Cloud Services Characteristics? On Demand Self Service Provisioning Broad Network Access Resource Pooling Measured & Metered Service Rapid Elasticity These IT Services when delivered  over the network is called cloud services with little or no service provider interaction. What are the types of Service model available in Cloud? Saas (Software as a Service) Paas (Platform as a Service) Iaas (Infrastructure as a Service)